About me

I am a Senior (Scientific) Software Engineer for the CliMA project at Caltech in Pasadena (CA). At CliMA, I contribute to developing robust and accurate open-source models for climate modeling in Julia. I design and implement reliable and user-friendly software solutions to empower researchers to push the state-of-the-art in climate modeling.
What drives me:
- Innovating at the intersection between software and science (in particular for climate and sustainability)
- Increasing the recognition of software as a key scientific output in academia
- Making scientific software easy to use, maintain, and extend
- Community building and mentoring
My background is computational physics. I obtained my PhD at the Astronomy Department at The University of Arizona, where I was a NASA Future Investigator for Space Sciences and a Frontera Fellow. I worked with Vasilis Paschalidis on various topics in gravitational physics. My research was awarded the 2024 Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics. You can find more details about me in the More about me page, and more about my past Research page.
Quick links
Email me, my resume (pdf), my academic cv (pdf), my academic cv (html), my publications, kuibit
Follow any of these links to find my works on various platforms:
GitHub, arXiv, ADSABS, InspireHEP, LinkedIn
Contact me
Office 207, 1200 E California Blvd, M/C 221 C1, Pasadena, CA, 91101
Email: gbozzola@caltech.edu
I typically respond within 24 hours.