Source code for jhuki.twopunctures

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Gabriele Bozzola
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.

"""The :py:mod:`~.twopunctures` module provides infrastructure to prepare
binary black simulations.

Some functions are provided:
- :py:func:`~.prepare_quasicircular_inspiral`, which returns a :py:class:`~.TwoPunctures`
  with parameters set up to lead to a quasi-circular inspiral. The linear momenta
  required for this are computed with a 3.5PN expansion by NRPyPN.


from functools import lru_cache

from jhuki.base import BaseThorn
from jhuki.externals.nrpypn import compute_quasicircular_momenta

[docs]def prepare_quasicircular_inspiral( mass_ratio, coordinate_distance, total_bare_mass=1, chi_plus=(0, 0, 0), chi_minus=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs, ): """Return a :py:class:`~.TwoPunctures` that describes a quasi-circular inspiral. We always assume that the plus puncture is the most massive one. :param mass_ratio: Mass ratio of the binary. :type mass_ratio: float :param coordinate_distance: Initial coordinate separation. :type coordinate_distance: float :param total_bare_mass: Rescale masses and momenta so that the total bare mass of the system is this. :type total_bare_mass: float :param chi_plus: Dimensionless spin of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis along the three directions. :type chi_plus: tuple/list with three numbers :param chi_minus: Dimensionless spin of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis along the three directions. :type chi_minus: tuple/list with three numbers Unknown arguments are passed to :py:class:`~.TwoPunctures`. :returns: A :py:class:`~.TwoPunctures` for a quasi-circular inspiral. :rtype: :py:class:`~.TwoPunctures` """ if mass_ratio < 1: mass_ratio = 1 / mass_ratio Pt, Pr = compute_quasicircular_momenta( mass_ratio, coordinate_distance / total_bare_mass, chi_plus, chi_minus ) Pt, Pr = Pt * total_bare_mass, Pr * total_bare_mass momenta_plus = (-Pr, Pt, 0) momenta_minus = (Pr, -Pt, 0) mass_plus = mass_ratio / (1 + mass_ratio) * total_bare_mass mass_minus = 1 / (1 + mass_ratio) * total_bare_mass return TwoPunctures( mass_plus, mass_minus, coordinate_distance, momenta_plus=momenta_plus, momenta_minus=momenta_minus, chi_plus=chi_plus, chi_minus=chi_minus, give_bare_mass=False, **kwargs, )
[docs]class TwoPunctures(BaseThorn): """The :py:class:`~.TwoPunctures` class contains all the information related to one or two black holes, their locations, and properties. This class can set up parameters for the ``TwoPunctures`` thorn making sure that the center of mass is in the center of the grid (unless differently specified). This class is immutable. :ivar mass_plus: Mass of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype mass_plus: float :ivar mass_minus: Mass of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype mass_minus: float :ivar coordinate_separation: Initial coordinate separation. :vartype coordinate_separation: float :ivar coord_x_plus: Initial coordinate location of the center of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype coord_x_plus: float :ivar coord_x_minus: Initial coordinate location of the center of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype coord_x_minus: float :ivar momenta_plus: Array with the linear momenta along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype momenta_plus: list/tuple :ivar momenta_minus: Array with the linear momenta along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype momenta_minus: list/tuple :ivar chi_plus: Array with the dimensionless_spin along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype chi_plus: list/tuple :ivar chi_minus: Array with the dimensionless spin along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype chi_minus: list/tuple :ivar S_plus: Array with the angular momentum along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype S_plus: list/tuple :ivar S_minus: Array with the angular momentum along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :vartype S_minus: list/tuple :ivar center_offset: Move the geometric center of the system by this amount. :vartype center_offset: list/tuple :ivar swap_xz: If True, activate the ``swap_xz`` parameter in TwoPunctures. :vartype swap_xz: bool :ivar give_bare_mass: If True, set this parameter to True in the parfile. :vartype give_bare_mass: bool :ivar initial_alpha: Prescription to use for the initial lapse. :vartype initial_alpha: str """ def __init__( self, mass_plus, mass_minus, coordinate_distance, momenta_plus=None, momenta_minus=None, chi_plus=None, chi_minus=None, swap_xz=False, give_bare_mass=False, initial_alpha="twopunctures-averaged", ): """Constructor. :param mass_plus: Mass of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. :type mass_plus: float :param mass_minus: Mass of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis. :type mass_minus: float :param coordinate_separation: Initial coordinate separation. :type coordinate_separation: float :param par_b: Half of the initial separation. :type par_b: float :param momenta_plus: Array with the linear momenta along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. If ``swap_xz`` is True, these are the values after swapping. For example ``(0, 0, 0.5)`` is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in ``TwoPunctures``, where you have to define the values before swapping) :type momenta_plus: list/tuple :param momenta_minus: Array with the linear momenta along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. If ``swap_xz`` is True, these are the values after swapping. For example ``(0, 0, 0.5)`` is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in ``TwoPunctures``, where you have to define the values before swapping) :type momenta_minus: list/tuple :param chi_plus: Array with the dimensionless_spin along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. If ``swap_xz`` is True, these are the values after swapping. For example ``(0, 0, 0.5)`` is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in ``TwoPunctures``, where you have to define the values before swapping) :type chi_plus: list/tuple :param chi_minus: Array with the dimensionless spin along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. If ``swap_xz`` is True, these are the values after swapping. For example ``(0, 0, 0.5)`` is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in ``TwoPunctures``, where you have to define the values before swapping) :type chi_minus: list/tuple :param swap_xz: If True, activate the ``swap_xz`` parameter in TwoPunctures. :type swap_xz: bool :param give_bare_mass: If True, set this parameter to True in the parfile. :type give_bare_mass: bool :param initial_alpha: Prescription to use for the initial lapse. :type initial_alpha: str """ if mass_plus * mass_minus < 0: raise ValueError( f"Mass cannot be negative (mass_plus = {mass_plus}, mass_minus = {mass_minus})" ) if mass_plus + mass_minus < 1e-10: raise ValueError("Both masses cannot be set to zero") # TODO: No sanity checks are performed here. We should at least check that P < m and so on def _par_or_zeros(par): # Return the parameter if it is not None, otherwise zeros return par if par is not None else (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.mass_plus = mass_plus self.mass_minus = mass_minus self.coordinate_distance = coordinate_distance self.par_b = coordinate_distance / 2 total_mass = self.mass_plus + self.mass_minus # This is where the puncture will end up after we apply the offset self.coord_x_plus = ( self.coordinate_distance * self.mass_minus / total_mass ) self.coord_x_minus = ( -self.coordinate_distance * self.mass_plus / total_mass ) self.momenta_plus = _par_or_zeros(momenta_plus) self.momenta_minus = _par_or_zeros(momenta_minus) self.chi_plus = _par_or_zeros(chi_plus) self.chi_minus = _par_or_zeros(chi_minus) # Specific angular momentum self.a_plus = tuple(cp * self.mass_plus for cp in self.chi_plus) self.a_minus = tuple(cm * self.mass_minus for cm in self.chi_minus) # Angular momentum self.S_plus = tuple(cp * self.mass_plus**2 for cp in self.chi_plus) self.S_minus = tuple( cm * self.mass_minus**2 for cm in self.chi_minus ) self.center_offset = (self.coord_x_plus - self.par_b, 0.0, 0.0) self.swap_xz = swap_xz self.give_bare_mass = give_bare_mass self.initial_alpha = initial_alpha @property @lru_cache(1) def parfile_code(self): """Return the code you would put in your parfile.""" def assign_parameter(param, value, which_bh=None): if which_bh is None: return f"TwoPunctures::{param} = {value}" # which_bh is either _plus or _minus # If we have swap_xz, we must swap the values of the indices 0 # and 2, so we prepare a simple look up table for the correct index: _swap = { 0: (2 if self.swap_xz else 0), 1: 1, 2: (0 if self.swap_xz else 2), } return "\n".join( f"TwoPunctures::{param}{which_bh}[{index}] = {value[_swap[index]]}" for index in range(3) ) ret = [] ret.append( f"""\ ADMBase::initial_data = "twopunctures" ADMBase::initial_lapse = "{self.initial_alpha}" ADMBase::initial_shift = "zero" ADMBase::initial_dtlapse = "zero" ADMBase::initial_dtshift = "zero" TwoPunctures::give_bare_mass = "{"yes" if self.give_bare_mass else "no"}" TwoPunctures::par_b = {self.par_b} TwoPunctures::target_m_plus = {self.mass_plus} TwoPunctures::target_m_minus = {self.mass_minus} TwoPunctures::par_m_plus = {self.mass_plus} TwoPunctures::par_m_minus = {self.mass_minus}""" ) ret.append(assign_parameter("par_P", self.momenta_plus, "_plus")) ret.append(assign_parameter("par_P", self.momenta_minus, "_minus")) ret.append(assign_parameter("par_S", self.S_plus, "_plus")) ret.append(assign_parameter("par_S", self.S_minus, "_minus")) ret.append(assign_parameter("center_offset", self.center_offset, "")) if self.swap_xz: ret.append(assign_parameter("swap_xz", "yes")) return "\n".join(ret)