Recommendations on how to use the examples

kuibit comes with lots of examples, most in the form of scripts. All the examples are ready to be used for scientific applications. They are general enough so that you can immediately start using them for your shell. For instance, you can make quick plots without writing a single line of code. In this page, we describe how to set-up the examples in such a way that takes advantage of all the features implemented. You can follow along the steps, starting from the folder where you with to install the examples.

0. Acquire the examples

Every time a new version of kuibit is released, a new archive with the most updated examples is created by GitHub actions. This is available in the GitHub release page. This is the simplest way to download all the available examples.

You can grab the latest copy with

curl -O

Unpack the archive:

tar -xvzf examples.tar.gz

1. Set up PATHS

It is convenient to be able to access the codes from anywhere in the file system. If you are not interested in this, you can simply call the scripts with the full path, or copy them in the directories where you want to use them.

If you prefer being able to access to the codes from anywhere, you need to set up some environment variables. For the scripts, this is the $PATH variable. For bash and zsh, you will have to add a line like this to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

export PATH="FOLDER/examples/bins:$PATH"

where FOLDER is the folder where you decided to install the examples.

Next, we need to set up the path for motionpicture (see, quick introduction to motionpicture). For that, we need to define the variable MOPI_MOVIES_DIR. In the same way, this can be achieved with the following line:

export MOPI_MOVIES_DIR="FOLDER/examples/mopi_movies"

2. Set up tab completion

The examples use argcomplete to enable tab completions on the available flags. If you are not interested in tab completion, you can ignore this section. Alternatively, for bash, you can run activate-global-python-argcomplete --user and start a new shell to enjoy tab completion. For zsh, you have enable support for bash completion scripts.

autoload -U bashcompinit

Then, you have register each single script:

for f in $(ls "bins"); do eval "$(register-python-argcomplete $f)"; done

For fish:

for f in (ls "bins"); register-python-argcomplete --shell fish $f > ~/.config/fish/completions/$; end