Building command-line scripts

kuibit is a library and it is designed to assist you in performing your analyses. Hence, kuibit supports multiple workflows. A possible choice consists in writing command-line executables to perform specific tasks (most of the scripts in examples/bins are built for this kind of workflow, so you can use them as example, or you can directly use them). For example, it is useful to have a script that takes a simulation folder and a variable name and plots a 2D snapshot of such variable. The module argparse_helper contains functions to make writing such scripts easier (Reference on kuibit.argparse_helper).

Argparse and argparse_helper

argparse is a built-in module in Python used to read information from the command line. argparse_helper provides functions that automatically populate argparse with common options and reasonable defaults. The minimum working example is simply

from kuibit import argparse_helper as kah

desc = "This is an example"
parser = kah.init_argparse(desc)
args = kah.get_args(parser)

This will populate the options configfile, verbose, datadir, outdir, and ignore_symlinks, which can be accessed with args.varname (e.g., args.verbose), or with args.fields['varname']. kuibit supports being configured with configfiles, which can be useful to control scripts with many options. The method get_args() takes the parser object and process the command-line data.

parser can be extended with more common options. For example, if you are working with grid data, you will likely will want to specify grid extents. To add common grid options, use the method add_grid_to_parser(), which adds arguments like origin, corner, and resolution.

from kuibit import argparse_helper as kah

desc = "This is an example"
parser = kah.init_argparse(desc)
args = kah.get_args(parser)

Often, the default arguments are not enough and you want to add your own. This can be achieved with the method add_argument, as in the following example:

from kuibit import argparse_helper as kah

desc = "This is an example"
parser = kah.init_argparse(desc)
     "--variable", type=str, required=True, help="Variable to plot"
args = kah.get_args(parser)

Groups of options available

The groups of options that are currently available are:

You should check the Reference on kuibit.argparse_helper to figure out exactly what options are added by each function.