Source code for kuibit.unitconv

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Gabriele Bozzola
# Copyright (C) 2020 Wolfgang Kastaun
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.

r"""This module provides a class Units representing unit systems or unit

Units can be used to convert from geometrized units to SI.

For example, assuming a that we are using geometrized units with :math:`G = c =
M = 1`, where :math:`M = 65 M_\odot`, we can defined the object ``CU =
geom_umass(65 * M_SUN_SI)``. CU knows how to convert geometrized quantities to
SI: for instance, to convert the length variable d from geometrized units to SI,
just multiply d times ``CU.length``. Similarly for all the other quantities.

The module provides convenience functions to define geometrized system of units:
:py:func:`~.geom_umass_msun`, :py:func:`~.geom_umass`, and
:py:func:`~.geom_length` can be used to generate :py:class:`~.Units` objects
that know how to convert from/to SI and geometrized units where lengthscale or
mass scales were defined.

The following natural constants are defined (in SI units)

- ``C_SI``          (Vacuum speed of light)
- ``G_SI``          (Gravitational constant)
- ``M_SOL_SI``      (Solar mass)
- ``M_SUN_SI``      (Solar mass)
- ``LIGHTYEAR_SI``  (Lightyear)
- ``MEGAPARSEC_SI`` (Megaparsec)
- ``PARSEC_SI``     (Parsec)
- ``H0_SI``         (Hubble constant [1/s])

from scipy import constants

[docs]class Units: """Class representing unit conversion. The unit system is specified by length, time, and mass units, from which derived units are computed. This class can be used to convert units from one system to another. For example, define ``CGS = Units(1.0e-2, 1.0, 1.0e-3)``. If the length d is in SI, then ``d * CGS.length`` will be in CGS. The main use of Units in kuibit is to provide a way to convert from geometrized units to physical units (see, :py:func:`~.geom_umass`). """ def __init__(self, ulength, utime, umass): """Create a unit system based on length unit ulength, time unit utime, and mass unit umass. :param ulength: Unit of length with respect to SI. :type ulength: float :param utime: Unit of time with respect to SI. :type utime: float :param umass: Unit of mass with respect to SI. :type umass: float """ # NOTE: If you add any quantity here, modify the unitconv.rst doc! self.length = float(ulength) self.time = float(utime) self.mass = float(umass) self.freq = 1.0 / self.time self.velocity = self.length / self.time self.accel = self.velocity / self.time self.force = self.accel * self.mass self.area = self.length * self.length self.volume = self.area * self.length self.density = self.mass / self.volume self.pressure = self.force / self.area self.power = self.force * self.velocity = self.force * self.length self.energy_density = / self.volume self.angular_moment = * self.time self.moment_inertia = self.mass * self.area
# TODO (FEATURE): All the electromagnetic quantities are missing. # Why do we re-define units here when we have scipy.constants? Two reasons: # 1. We want to stress that the base units are SI # 2. scipy.constants does not have astronomical constants # (we could use astropy.constants, but astropy is too big of a dependency) # NOTE: If you add any constant here, modify the unitconv.rst doc! # The following constants are all given in SI units C_SI = constants.speed_of_light # Speed of light in vacuum G_SI = constants.gravitational_constant # Gravitational constant M_SOL_SI = 1.988_435e30 # Solar mass M_SUN_SI = M_SOL_SI # Alias for solar mass PARSEC_SI = constants.parsec # Parsec MEGAPARSEC_SI = 1e6 * constants.parsec # Megaparsec GIGAPARSEC_SI = 1e9 * constants.parsec # Gigaparsec LIGHTYEAR_SI = constants.light_year # Lightyear H0_SI = 2.192_711_267e-18 # Hubble constant [1/s]
[docs]def geom_ulength(ulength): """Create a geometric unit system, expressed in SI, based on the given length unit expressed in SI units as well. :param ulength: Unit of length with respect to SI. :type ulength: float :rvalue: Geometrized units with length scale set by ``ulength``. :rtype: :py:class :`~.Units` """ return Units(ulength, ulength / C_SI, ulength * (C_SI**2) / G_SI)
[docs]def geom_umass(umass): """Create a geometric unit system, expressed in SI, based on the given mass unit expressed in SI units as well. :param ulength: Unit of mass with respect to SI. :type ulength: float :rvalue: Geometrized units with mass scale set by ``umass``. :rtype: :py:class:`~.Units` """ return geom_ulength(umass * G_SI / (C_SI**2))
[docs]def geom_umass_msun(umass): """Create a geometric unit system, expressed in SI, based on the given mass unit expressed in solar masses. :param ulength: Unit of mass in solar masses. :type ulength: float :rvalue: Geometrized units with mass scale set by ``umass``. :rtype: :py:class:`~.Units` """ return geom_umass(umass * M_SOL_SI)