Grid functions¶
Other than series (time and frequency), grid functions are probably the other
most important quantity that we extract from simulations with the Einstein
Toolkit. In this page, we describe how to use kuibit
to handle grids.
(Reference on kuibit.grid_data). The main object
that we use to represent grid function is the
. This represents data defined on a grid with
multiple refinement levels. On each level, data is represented as
. While you will likely never initialize these
objects directly, it is useful to be aware of what they are and what they can
do. If you want to know how to read data into kuibit
, jump to the second
half of this page.
The most basic concept that we need to work with grid function is the concept of
, which represents an uniform cell-centered Cartesian
grid in arbitrary number of dimensions. An object of type
is immutable and is defined by the location of the
origin of the grid, by the number of points along each dimension, and by either
the opposite corner or the spacing. UniformGrid
are important
because they are are the building blocks of grids with refinement levels and
because they are the most natural grid to plot.
Let’s see how to define a UniformGrid
import kuibit.grid_data as gd
box = gd.UniformGrid(
[101, 201], # shape: 101 (201) points along the x (y) direction,
[0, 0], # origin, at 0, 0 (cell-centered)
x1=[10, 20] # other corner, at (10, 20)
This is a two dimensional grid where the bottom left corner is (0, 0), and the
top right one is (10, 20). There are 101 points on the x direction and 201 on
the y. The grid is cell-centered, so the coordinates of the points will be the
integers. Instead of specifying the other corner with respect to the origin, you
can specify the size of each cell by providing the dx
box = gd.UniformGrid(
[101, 201], # shape: 101 (201) points along the x (y) direction,
[0, 0], # origin, at 0, 0 (cell-centered)
dx=[1, 1] # cell size
are used as part of grids with refinement levels, so
they can house additional information, like time
, num_ghost
. In most cases, it is not necessary to work directly with these
Some useful attributes to know about UniformGrid
- x0
and x1
return the two corners of the grid,
- dx
or delta
return the cell size,
- dv
returns the volume of a cell, and volume
returns the
total volume,
- num_dimensions
returns how many dimensions are in the grid,
returns how many dimensions are in the grid with
more than one grid point.
When you initialize a grid with a flat dimension, you must specify x0
and dx
(you cannot do it by specifying x0
and x1
, because there is no x1
In general, prefer providing x0
and dx
instead of x0
and x1
You can use the in
operator to see if a coordinate is inside the grid.
The operation considers the size of the cell, for example
box = gd.UniformGrid([101, 201], [0, 0], delta=[1, 1])
[5, 5] in box # True
[-1, 2] in box # False
The contains()
is syntactic sugar for the same operation.
To obtain all the coordinates in the grid, you can use the
method. This can be used in three
different ways. When called with no arguments, the output is a list of 1D
arrays. Each of these arrays contains the coordinates along a fixed axis. For
example, for the 2D grid, the first array will be the x coordinates, the second
the y. Finally, with as_meshgrid=True
, the return value will be a NumPy
meshgrid. This is useful for plotting. When as_same_shape=True
the return
value is a list of coordinates with the same shape of the grid itself, each
element of this list is the value of that coordinate over the grid. This last
one is the most useful way to do computations that involve the coordinates. You
can obtained the coordinate as a list of coordinates along each direction also
with the method coordinates_1d()
To obtain a coordinate from a multidimensional index, just use the bracket
operator (box[i, j]
may have dimensions that are only one point (e.g.,
when simulating a plane). We call extended_dimensions
those that have more
than one grid point. You can return a new UniformGrid
with removed
all the dimensions that are not extended using the method
You return a new UniformGrid
with coordinates shifted with
. You can also remove the ghost zones with
. This will return a new
with no ghost zones.
You can also print a UniformGrid
object to have a full overview
of the properties of the grid.
The functions coordinates_to_indices()
can be used to convert from indices to
coordinates for the considered grid. You can pass single points, or collection
of points. If you provide coordinates, the returned indices will be those of the
closest grid points.
Once we have a grid, we can define data on it. UniformGridData
packs together a UniformGrid
and data defined on it. This is the
most basic form of a grid function. There are two ways to define
, first from a UniformGrid
and a
NumPy array with matching shape, or from the details of the grid along with
the data (again, as a NumPy array with matching shape):
box = gd.UniformGrid([101, 201], x0=[0, 0], delta=[1, 1])
data = np.array([i * np.linspace(1, 5, 201) for i in range(101)])
# First way
ug_data1 = gd.UniformGridData(box, data)
# Second way
ug_data2 = gd.from_grid_structure(data, x0=[0, 0], delta=[1, 1])
shares the same basic infrastructure as the
classes TimeSeries
and FrequencySeries
(they are
derived from the same abstract class BaseNumerical
). This means
that all the mathematical operations are defined, such as, adding two
, or taking the exponential with np.exp
ug_data3 = np.exp(ug_data1) / ug_data2
Mathematical operations are performed only if the two
have the same underlying grid structure.
also support N-dimensional Fourier transforms with
the fourier_transform()
can be sliced to lower dimensional
. To do this, use the meth:~.slice method. This
function takes a cut
paramter which is a list of the same lenght as the
dimension of the data. The elements of cut
are None
for the dimensions you
want to keep and are the coordinate of where you want to slice. For example, if you
have 3D data and you want to only look at the line with x=1
and y=2
, then,
has to be [1, 2, None]
. You can cut in arbitrary places and optionally
enable the resample
option to obtain the values with a multilinear interpolation
instead of approximating the point with the closest available.
As TimeSeries
, UniformGridData
can be represented as
splines (constant or linear). This means that the objects can be resampled or
can be called as normal functions. Computing splines is an expensive operation
that can take several seconds if the grid have thousands of points.
Splines allow you to use the UniformGridData
as a normal function.
Suppose rho
is a grid function. You can either use the bracket operator to
find the value of rho
corresponding to specific indices (rho[i, j]
), or
you can call rho
with the coordinate where you want to evalue it
). When there are flat dimensions, the only possible splines are with
nearest neighbors. You can use a multilinear interpolation on the extended by
removing the flat dimensions with flat_dimensions_remove()
Some basic useful functions are mean()
, integral()
, or norm2()
. In general, there’s a
, computed as
can be differentiated along a direction with
, or the gradient can be
:py:calculated with meth:~.grid_data.UnfiromGridData.gradient. In both cases,
:py:the order of the derivative can be specified. The derivative are numerical
:py:with finite difference. Derivative are second order accurate everywhere.
A convenient function is sample_function()
. This takes a multivariate
function (e.g., UniformGridData
sampling that function. If you already have the grid structure, you can use
Another useful function is histogram()
, which can be used to compute
histograms of UniformGridData
with weights or without. Similarly,
one can compute percentiles with percentiles()
. The input of this
function can either be relative (percentuals, as 0.01, 0.5, or so, if you enable
), or the actual number of points.
You can resample the data to a new grid using the function
, which takes as input a
and returns a new UniformGridData
resampled on the new grid. If the new grid is outside the old one, you can
either raise an error, of fill the points outside with zeros. This behavior is
controlled by the flag ext
. When ext=1
, zeros are returned, when it is
2, ValueError
is raised. By default,
uses a multilinear
interpolation, but you can force to use a piecewise constant interpolation with
the nearest neighbors by setting piecewise_constant=True
Another useful feature is to dx_changed()
, which can be used to
return a new UniformGridData
with different grid spacing. The new
grid spacing has to be an integer multiple or an integer factor of the old one.
With this function you can upsample or downsample data. This is especially
useful when dealing with refinement levels, which typically have spacing related
by factors of 2. dx_changed()
takes an optional argument
to prescribe how the resampling should be done.
Often, it is useful to save a UniformGridData
and read it later.
can be saved as ASCII files with the
method, which takes a path and writes an ASCII file to that
destination. The file contains a header that specifies the grid information. The
data is always saved as as 1D array (due to the limitations of the backend).
These files can be read with the load_UniformGridData()
function. For
large datasets, it is convinent to compress the file. To do this, just provide a
file extension that is compressed (e.g., .dat.gz
To access the data (ie, for plotting), you can simply use .data
. This is a
standard numpy array. Alternatively, you can use the .data_xyz
which swaps rows and columns (.data_xyz
is coordinates-indexed, .data
Arrays are stored row-first, so if you want to use .data
, to have a
natural mapping between coordinates and indices you have to transpose the
data! (See, this blog post
for an explanation.)
When working with 1D grid data, you can transform the
into a GridSeries
. This is different
type of object that shares the same properties and infrastructure as
and FrequencySeries
are typically simpler and more direct to use (for
example, you can plot them directly with plt.plot(rho)
With UniformGridData
, it is possible to undo reflection symmetry
across a given dimension. The relevant method is
(which takes the parity of the data as
optional argument). This will only work if the grid crosses 0 along the given
dimension and if the resulting grid is a valid equispaced grid (so 0 has to be
part of the coordinates, or the data has to be such that it yields a uniform
grid). Similarly, it is possible to undo rotational symmetries (pi-symmetry)
using the rotation180_symmetry_undone()
method. This function takes
two mandatory arguments, the first is the dimension for which the data has to be
filled (in Carpet it is always the x axis, so 0
), and the second is the
plane over which the rotation happens specified by providing the two dimensions
involved (in Carpet rotation is always about the z axis, so this parameters
should always be (0, 1)
). The sign of the filled data can be flipped by
passing -1
to the parity keyword (this is useful for vectors and tensors).
A HierarchicalGridData
represents data defined on a mesh-refined
grid. In practice, this is a collection of UniformGridData
roughly one per level. You can work directly with the
on the different levels using the brackets
operator. As for UniformGridData
supports all the mathematical
In many cases, one works with a nested series of refinement levels, with a
domain that is split in multiple patches. Hence, the output data will also be in
multiple chunks. When initializing an HierarchicalGridData
, kuibit
will make an effort to put all the different patches back together. If the
provided components cover an entire grid, kuibit will merge them. In doing this,
all the ghost zone information is discarded. If kuibit finds that the provided
components do not cover a regular grid, then it will leave them untouched. This
is the case when one has multiple refinement centers (for example in binary
simulations). HierarchicalGridData
is essentially a dictionary
that maps refinement level to lists of UniformGridData
represent the different patches. In case kuibit manages to combine all the
patches, then the list will have only one element. You can print a
to see what the structure looks like:
# The output will look like
# Available refinement levels (components):
# 0 (1)
# 1 (3)
# 2 (2)
# 3 (2)
# Spacing at coarsest level (0): [640. 640.]
# Spacing at finest level (3): [0.01 0.01]
You can access the relative level using the bracket operator (e.g. rho[0][0]
is rho
on the coarsest level on the 0th patch, which could be the only one).
The two level of brackets are (in order): refinement level, then component. In
many cases, the grid structure is simple and there are no multiple refinement
centers, so one can access the level with :py:meth:~.get_ref_level. This
method will work only if there’s a single component.
As for UniformGridData
, HierarchicalGridData
callable and splines are used to interpolate to the requested points. This
operation can be expensive, especially for 3D grids with many points.
The way calling works is the following: we find the finest
refinement level that contains the requested point, and we use the multilinear
interpolation on that level (and component, if there are multiple components).
Using splines, we can also combine the various refinement levels to obtain a
. This is often handy when plotting. The method
does exactly that. By default,
does not resample the data, but simply uses
the values on the grid. If the argument resample
is set to True
, the
data is resampled with a multilinear interpolation. One can also specify what
grid (as UniformGridData
) to merge the data on by calling the
method to_UniformGridData()
. This is especially useful when
resampling on smaller grids, because it drastically reduces the computation
Operations that involve resampling can be very expensive and require a lot of memory!
Another useful method is the
, which returns a list of
with the same structure as the one in
consideration but with values the various coordinates at the points. This is
useful for computations that involve the coordinates.
As it is the case for UniformGridData
, also
can be differentiated along a direction with
, or the gradient can
be calculated with gradient()
. In both
cases, the order of the derivative can be specified. The derivative are
numerical with finite difference. The result is a
or a list of
(for each direction).
Both HierarchicalGridData
and UniformGridData
several useful methods. For instance, coordinates_at_maximum()
be used to find what is the coordinate where the data has its maximum.
Reading data¶
So far, we have discussed how grid functions are represented in kuibit
In this section, we discuss how to read the output data from simulations as
or UniformGridData
At the moment, kuibit
fully support reading HDF5 files of any dimension
(1D, 2D, and 3D). kuibit
can also read ASCII files, but the interface is
less robus and not as well-tested.
works better with HDF5 data. In general, reading and parsing
HDF5 is orders of magnitude faster than ASCII data. kuibit
can read
one iteration at the time in HDF5 data, but has to read the entire content of
all the files when the data is ASCII. This can take a long time. HDF5 are
also much more storage-efficient and contain metadata that can be used to
better interpret the data (e.g., the number of ghost zones). For these
reasons, we strongly recommend using HDF5 files.
The ASCII reader should be considered experimental. If reads the files line by line and will likely not fail if the data is not exactly in the format that the reader expect. You may find unexpected results. If you use the ASCII reader, make sure to test it!
The ASCII reader works by scanning all the files line by line. This can take an
extremely long time if you have many files with a lot of iterations. If you want
to speed up the process, consider isolating the files you are interested in
working with in a separate directory, and run SimDir
in that folder.
From SimDir¶
The easiest way to access grid data is from SimDir
objects contain an overview of the entire data content of a
directory. For more information about SimDir
, read
Getting started with SimDir.
Assuming sim
is a SimDir
, the access point to grid functions is
in or sim.grid_functions
. You can find all the available variables just
by printing this object
# The output will look like
# Available grid data of dimension 1D (x):
# ['P', 'rho', 'rho_star', 'vz', 'Bz', 'By', 'vx', 'rho_b', 'vy', 'Bx']
# ... and so on ... is an object of type GridFunctionsDir
. The main role of
this class is to organize the available files depending on their dimensions. So,
from GridFunctionsDir
you can specify what dimensions you are
interested in. You can do this in two ways, as a dictionary call, or via an
attribute. For example, if you are interested in 2D data on the xy plane:
# All these methods are equivalent
data2d =
data2d =['xy']
data2d =[(0, 1)]
In case you want a lower dimensional cut (say, you want only the y axis and you
have the xy data), you can always look at higher-dimensional data and slice it
to your liking, as described in the above sections.
can be sliced in the same way as
Once you selected the data you are interested in, you will be working with a
object. This is a dictionary-like object that
organizes all the variables available for the requested dimensions. You can
access the variables using the bracket operator of looking in the fields
attribute. In case a variable is available as HDF5 file and as ASCII file, the
HDF5 representation is preferred.
# These methods are equivalent
rho =['rho']
rho =
In case you are reading an ASCII file, you have to set the correct number of
ghost zones. The simplest way to do this is to set the num_ghost()
attribute. If the output does not contain ghost zones, set them to zero.
# If rho_star is from an ASCII file, we want to set num_ghost before
# reading it
ASCII_reader =
ASCII_reader.num_ghost = (3, 3)
rho_star = ASCII_reader.rho_star
has to be a tuple or a list with the same number of entries
as the dimensionality of the grid: each entry is the number of ghost zones along
a direction.
ASCII files do not have information about how many ghost zones are in the data, so we will assume that there are none. This can lead to imperfect results in the regions of overlap between two grid patches. In the future, we will try to read this value from the parameter file.
Finally, once you selected the variable, you will have a
or OneGridFunctionASCII
These are derived from the same base class OneGridFunctionBase
share the interface. The main difference is how files are read (which justifies
why we need to different classes). These objects are certainly the most
interesting ones and the ones you will deal with most of the time.
At first level, OneGridFunctionH5
(we will consider this for
definiteness, but the most of what said here holds true for
) is another dictionary-like object. The keys
of this class are the various iterations available in the files. Hence, to read
some data at a given iteration iteration
, you can simply use the bracket
operator. Alternatively, you can use the get_iteration()
# These methods are equivalent
rho0 =[0]
rho0 =
You can find what iterations are available with the
attribute. Similarly, you can find what times
are available with available_times()
You can read a time instead of a iteration with the method
. You can convert between time and iteration with the
methods time_at_iteration()
and iteration_at_time()
These methods return a HierarchicalGridData
object with all the
available data for the requested iteration. If HDF5 files are being read, the
correct ghost zone information is being used. In case you want to work with a
specific subgrid with uniform spacing, you can use the read_on_grid()
method. This will return a UniformGridData
object instead, with
grid the grid you specify. The grid is specified by passing a
object. For example
from kuibit.grid_data import UniformGrid
grid = UniformGrid([100, 100], x0=[0, 0], x1=[2,2])
rho0_center =, # iteration
This method works by reading the entire grid structure and resampling onto the
requested UniformGridData
, so it may be slow for large 3D data.
Similarly, you can read a chunk of evolution from min_iteration
on a specified grid with the method
. This returns a
that has as first dimension the time, and as other
dimensions the specified grid. So, this is a “spacetime”
. With this function you can evaluate grid data on
specific spacetime points with multilinear interpolation in space and time. This
can also be used to generate additional time frames between two outputs.
objects are iterable: you can loop over all
the available iterations by iterating over the object.
objects cache information to avoid expensive
read operations. This can lead to a growing memory usage in scripts when the
same object is used multiple times (for example, to render a video reading
multiple iterations). The method clear_cache()
can be used to free
up memory.
supports grid arrays, which are arrays with a fixed size,
typically distributed among all the MPI processes. Carpet
treats them in
the same way as standard grid functions, so in kuibit
there is no
distinction between the two. This means that kuibit
will assign some
coordinates (which are read from the output), but these coordinates are
supports files output with the option one_file_per_group
to yes
. However, the maximize the performance it is best to set that
option to no
. kuibit
has to open each single file to understand what
variables are inside, and this impacts, especially for several or big files.