Working with tensors

The module tensor (Reference on kuibit.tensor) provides abstractions to work with mathematical tensors. In practice, at the moment, this mostly mean working with Vector and Matrix objects (both derived from Tensor).

The Tensor interface is a container that takes nested lists of BaseNumerical data (e.g., TimeSeries, FrequencySeries, UniformGridData, HierarchicalGridData) and provides an high-level abstractions that supports all the usual mathematical operations and inherits methods from the contained objects. Examples will clarify what we mean with this.


The Vector implements a mathematical vector. You can make vectors out of anything that is derived from BaseNumerical. In kuibit, this means grid and series data. The convenience of working with Vector is that you can act on multiple components of the same entity in one go.

For instance, assume you have the three components of the velocity field on the equatorial plane at a given iteration as vx, vy, vz.

from kuibit.tensor import Vector

# To create a vector
vel = Vector([vx, vy, vz])

# Evaluate the velocity on location (2, 3)
vel([2, 3])  # Will return a 2-element NumPy array

# Vectors can be indexed
vz = vel[2]

# We can compute the magnitude
norm = vel.norm()  # Will return a grid variable

# Vectors support all the mathematical operations
vx_vy = (vx ** 2 + vy ** 2).sqrt()

# Vectors inherit all the methods from the base class:
# to compute the derivative of vx_vy along the axis, we can use
# the partial_differentiated method
deriv_x = vx_vy.partial_differentiated(0)

# We could also have used the in-place version (notice the imperative name)

This would not change much if vx, vy, and vz where other objects, like TimeSeries.

Matrices and Tensors

The Matrix class implements a mathematical matrix of arbitrary dimensions. It behaves exactly like the Vector described in the previous section. At the moment, no specific matrix method is implemented, but all the infrastructure is in place to support them.

Developing a generic Tensor class is a hard task, so, as it stands, Tensor is does not have many features by itself but it is rather the generic implementation that underpins both Vector and Matrix. For example, no notion of rank or covariance is implemented yet.