Reference on jhuki.twochargedpunctures

The twochargedpunctures module extends twopunctures for the case of charged black holes. The interface is nearly identical.

class jhuki.twochargedpunctures.TwoChargedPunctures(mass_plus, mass_minus, coordinate_distance, momenta_plus=None, momenta_minus=None, chi_plus=None, chi_minus=None, charge_plus=0, charge_minus=0, swap_xz=False, give_bare_mass=False)[source]

The TwoChargedPunctures extends TwoPunctures for the case charged black holes (to use with the TwoChargedPunctures thorn).

As TwoPunctures, this class is immutable.

  • charge_plus (float) – Charge of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis.

  • charge_minus (float) – Charge of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis.


  • mass_plus (float) – Mass of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis.

  • mass_minus (float) – Mass of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis.

  • charge_plus (float) – Charge of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis.

  • charge_minus (float) – Charge of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis.

  • coordinate_separation (float) – Initial coordinate separation.

  • par_b (float) – Half of the initial separation.

  • momenta_plus (list/tuple) –

    Array with the linear momenta along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis.

    If swap_xz is True, these are the values after swapping. For example (0, 0, 0.5) is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in TwoPunctures, where

    you have to define the values before swapping)

  • momenta_minus (list/tuple) –

    Array with the linear momenta along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis. If swap_xz is True, these are the values after swapping. For example (0, 0, 0.5) is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in TwoPunctures, where

    you have to define the values before swapping)

  • chi_plus (list/tuple) –

    Array with the dimensionless_spin along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis.

    If swap_xz is True, these are the values after swapping. For example (0, 0, 0.5) is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in TwoPunctures, where

    you have to define the values before swapping)

  • chi_minus (list/tuple) –

    Array with the dimensionless spin along the three directions for the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis.

    If swap_xz is True, these are the values after swapping. For example (0, 0, 0.5) is a vector along the z axis. (This is the opposite of what happens in TwoPunctures, where

    you have to define the values before swapping)

  • swap_xz (bool) – If True, activate the swap_xz parameter in TwoPunctures.

  • give_bare_mass (bool) – If True, set this parameter to True in the parfile.

property parfile_code

Return the code you would put in your parfile.

jhuki.twochargedpunctures.prepare_quasicircular_inspiral(mass_ratio, coordinate_distance, total_bare_mass=1, chi_plus=(0, 0, 0), chi_minus=(0, 0, 0), lambda_plus=0, lambda_minus=0, **kwargs)[source]

Return a TwoChargedPunctures that describes a quasi-circular inspiral. We always assume that the plus puncture is the most massive one.

We compute the momenta starting from the uncharged case and scaling by sqrt(1 - lambda1 * lambda2). This is essentially 0 PN. It works well for low charge, but not that much for higher charge.

  • mass_ratio (float) – Mass ratio of the binary.

  • lambda_plus (float) – Charge-to-mass-ratio of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis.

  • lambda_minus (float) – Charge-to-mass-ratio of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis.

  • coordinate_distance (float) – Initial coordinate separation.

  • total_bare_mass (float) – Rescale masses and momenta so that the total bare mass of the system is this.

  • chi_plus (tuple/list with three numbers) – Dimensionless spin of the black hole on the positive side of the x (or z) axis along the three directions.

  • chi_minus (tuple/list with three numbers) – Dimensionless spin of the black hole on the negative side of the x (or z) axis along the three directions.

Unknown arguments are passed to TwoPunctures.


A TwoPunctures for a quasi-circular inspiral.

Return type
