Reference on jhuki.dissipation

The dissipation module takes care of setting parameters for the dissipation thorn. The main class is Dissipation, but it is more convenient to use helper functions to setup this object. For example, to set up dissipation for a simulation with Lean, the simplest way is:

dis = add_gauge(add_Lean(create_dissipation_from_grid(grid, 0.3)))

where 0.3 is the value of eps_dis at the finest level.

class jhuki.dissipation.DissPrescription(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

DissPrescription for how to set up the dissipation.

Three different prescriptions are available: - const: set the same eps_dis everywhere, - dtfact: set eps_dis proportional to the local dtfac, - continuous: set eps_dis proportional to the local grid spacing

to the power of the order,

  • partially_continuous: constant except where levels are synced, in

    which case, use the continuous integration.

class jhuki.dissipation.Dissipation(epsdis_per_level, order, variables)[source]

Class that describes the dissipation. Best used in combination with helper functions.

This class is immutable.

  • epsdis_per_level – Dictionary that maps the value of the dissipation on each refinement level.

  • order – Order of the dissipation.

  • variables – List of variables to which the dissipation has to be applied.

It is your responsibility to provide meaningful eps_dis_per_level.

  • epsdis_per_level (dict) – Dictionary that maps the value of the dissipation on each refinement level.

  • order (int) – Order of the dissipation.

  • variables (list of str) – List of variables to which the dissipation has to be applied.

property parfile_code

Return the code you would put in your parfile.

jhuki.dissipation.add_to_dissipation(variables, doc)[source]

Return a function that adds variables to the given Dissipation.

jhuki.dissipation.create_dissipation_from_grid(grid, eps_dis_finest, variables=None, prescription=DissPrescription.dtfact)[source]

Create a Dissipation object from a given Grid.

The order of the dissipation is deduced from the number of ghost zones.

  • grid (Grid) – Simulation grid.

  • epsdis_per_level (dict) – Dictionary that maps the value of the dissipation on each refinement level.

  • order (int) – Order of the dissipation.

  • variables (list of str) – List of variables to which the dissipation has to be applied.

  • prescription (DissPrescription) – How to set eps_dis.


Dissipation object.

Return type
